SIPS are fabricated in large 8' x 24' sheets by several different manufacturers in the United States. SIPS are available in different thickness and R-values. We're using 6.5" panels for the walls and 10.5" panels for the roof. Some manufacturers have more stringent testing procedures than others.
My grandson, Caz and I watched them from the back steps. I'm imagining my house being put together tomorrow. I'm pretty sure Caz is imaging that he's driving the forklift.
SIPS are created by laminating a foam core to two pieces of OSB (oriented strand board), which is basically recycled wood scraps as far as I can tell. It's important that the lamination be done correctly and carefully with the right glues, times, and pounds of pressure . . or (apparently) delamination is a potential cause for concern. Josh chose our supplier because they're certified by an outside testing laboratory.
To build a house, builders, such as Upright Frameworks, buy the SIPS and pre-cut them according to plan - so they arrive on the site, ready to put together with window and door openings cut, roofs and walls all configured.
This means that a SIPS building can be constructed on site in very short order. Mine went up in one day.
This means that a SIPS building can be constructed on site in very short order. Mine went up in one day.